The Ultimate Oral Health Blueprint

FREE 5-Day Course

If You Stop Making These 5 Mistakes, You Will Eliminate Bad Breath, and Prevent Receding Gums, Gum Disease, and Tooth Decay (Without Having to See a Dentist or Get Surgery)

"Not only did [OraWellness] almost immediately stop my pain, but my teeth and gums felt amazing! I will never go back to using anything else! My son, who will be 4 in January, has not had a single cavity thanks to OraWellness (his pediatric dentist has been amazed by how healthy his teeth are!)."

- Katie (& her son Lincoln) from CA

30+ Pages of Solutions

20 Actionable Strategies

Helped 1,000,000+ customers in over 120 countries 🌎

Are you ready to completely change your oral health for the better?

We're Will and Susan Revak, and we've been helping people across the world with their oral health for 15 years.It started with Susan healing her advanced gum disease with holistic solutions, and it has since grown into our mission to help.

Good health starts with the mouth, and 97% of US men, women and children have an active form of oral disease.This course will give you everything you need to not be a part of that statistic.

Want to make sure this free email course is “worth it” before you sign-up?

Here's a high level of what's inside:

Day 1: Mistake #1 - You’re Expecting Your Dentist to Fix You Rather Than Recognizing Your Power to Heal Yourself (You’re the MVP of Your Healing Journey)Day 2: Mistake #2 - Not Knowing Which Foods Cause Tooth Decay or Protect You From Cavities (Or Which Foods Will Contribute to Your Healing Journey)Day 3: Mistake #3 - Not Knowing the Often Unknown Thing That Regulates Overall Oral Health (and How it Shapes Your Overall Health)Day 4: Mistake #4 - How the Oral Hygiene We Learned as Kids is Destroying Our Oral Health (And What You Can Do Starting Today to Improve Your Technique)Day 5: Mistake #5 - How Our Cultural Norms Perpetuate Illness (And How You Can Break Free of Them!)

Hooray! The first lesson of The Ultimate Oral Health Blueprint is on its way to your inbox.

Within the next minute or two, you're going to get an email from "Will and Susan of OraWellness".This email contains instructions to get started with our course, so be sure to check it out!But if you have any questions, please feel free to hit reply and let us know—we're here to help! :-)We so look forward to hearing how you benefit from applying these simple strategies to improve your oral health!Will and Susan Revak
OraWellness Chief Smile Officers :)

P.S.: If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple of minutes, please check your spam folder...Chances are it ended up there.(Since we use email automation to send emails like this, sometimes the "email algorithms" think we're a robot! 🤷🏻)